Yes! I want to change the tune about homelessness

Yes! I want to change the tune about homelessness image


raised towards $150,000 goal



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Changing the Tune for 20 years

In 2025, Micah celebrates 20 years of doing justice, loving kindness and walking humbly with God in Fredericksburg. Our community has changed so much in that time; and so have the lives of our neighbors. Our churches know more today about the needs of our neighbors. Community perspectives on homelessness have changed. Our neighbors perceptions of themselves have changed. The tune we sing today is quite different.

Yet, the beat goes on. Thousands of new arrangements are made possible through you, as we continue to seek the kingdom here in Fredericksburg as it is in heaven.

What song will you sing for the next 20 years?

We hope it honors your gifts. We hope it rings of justice, kindness and humility. We hope it lets the God in you meet the God in us and our neighbors.

As Mary sang of the gift God gave to her in the baby Jesus, "our soul magnifies the Lord and our spirit rejoices in God our savior." It is a gift to accompany those the world has rejected. And we are blessed to live in a community so willing to join God in incubating that kingdom.

Honor Cards

Magnify the Lord this Advent season by honoring a friend or family member with an honor card. This year’s card has been specially made by local member of ArtFirst Gallery, Leah Fromer.

Here’s how it works: Make a gift to Micah. Bring confirmation of your gift after December 1 to one of Micah’s nine downtown churches or the office at 1013 Princess Anne St, to pick up a card. Acknowledge your priceless gift by sharing the card with your honoree this Christmas.

Gifts can be made

Online at

By mail to PO Box 3277, Fredericksburg, VA 22402

In person at the time you pick up your card.

Suggested minimum donation per card is $15; but gifts of all sizes support our churches’ efforts to cultivate a continuum of compassion through Micah. Here are some other ways to make an impact.

$15 provides a night of winter shelter for one person

$25 buys a tent or sleeping bag

$55 keeps a vulnerable neighbor in hotel-shelter for a night

$100 buys a night of post-hospital respite care for an unhoused neighbor

$200 covers the burial of a neighbor who goes unclaimed

$350 supports a day of basic needs for neighbors living on the street

$700 pays for a room at Hesed House (motel shelter) for a month.

$1000 keeps a neighbor in housing for a month

$1500 bridges a neighbor to supportive employment

$5,000 per month builds a house in the life-sharing community being built for our neighbors