Give our neighbors Thanksgiving dinner! image

Give our neighbors Thanksgiving dinner!

Gratitude is an action word

$3,050 raised

$2,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We need Thanksgiving delivery drivers! And generous donors!

This Thanksgiving, we need your help to make the holiday come together for our neighbors, in two big ways:

1 - Donations: Monetary (to purchase meals for delivery) or pies that don't need to be refrigerated (to be delivered with the meals)

2 - Volunteer drivers to deliver Thanksgiving meals to our neighbors in housing around the community ** UPDATE: We have all the drivers we need! Thank you to everyone who stepped up!

The holidays can be a difficult time for our current and formerly homeless neighbors experiencing homelessness, who have often run out of relationships. Micah is often the closest thing they have to family, and we know it is our calling to show them they are loved. We are always seeking ways to be the community that our neighbors need us to be!

This year, many of our neighbors are looking forward to joining in various Thanksgiving dinners that churches and community organizations are hosting. However, some of our Micah neighbors are unable to attend these gatherings, due to disabilities, transportation challenges, social anxieties, and a plethora of other reasons. These neighbors deserve to know they are seen and loved by our community, and we are working to deliver meals to those in need. We need your support to make this possible!

If you are able to donate, this is the place!

Your generosity will help cover the cost of the meals we are purchasing and delivering to our neighbors.

If you would rather donate food than money, please plan to donate a pie (or two or three or four...) Email: to arrange for delivery of your pie(s), preferably the day before Thanksgiving! Please note: Pies that do not require refrigeration are ideal!

Thank you for your kindness and generosity this Thanksgiving!